SageTV V2.0.18 RC3 4/30/04 Core Modifications 1. NOTE: Added Stop SageCommand. This is now the default for the Ctrl-G keystroke and the Stop button on the Hauppauge Remote. 2. PVR350 OSD BLT repaint area optimization is now disable by default. STV Modifications 1. Added Full Screen button to OSD menu Update 4/28/04 Core Modifications 1. Fixed where there'd be an extra , at the end of the people string sometimes. 2. Added property "optimize_osd_repaint_area", if set to false it'll disable the use of dirty area BLTing to speed up OSD rendering and always update the full OSD frame. 3. Added more PVR350 OSD debug logging. 4. Added property "media_server_debug", which'll do extensive debug logging of the media server. 5. Fixed bug in MediaServer where it wasn't sending the overage data at all. This caused client hangs and crashes. 6. Added property "use_blocking_socket_for_mediaserver" which defaults to false; this is for temporary debug testing only. Using it can cause the server to leave files open which can't be deleted until SageTV is restarted. 7. Files that got imported by automatic recovery through a video path are now deleted from SageTV if the files on the disk are gone. 8. Airings drop padding if they're back to back with a manual record and don't if they're back to back with a watched favorite. 9. Inactivity timeout no longer expires if a mouse button is held down 10. Root directory checking for files now works for UNC files 11. 3D acceleration now defaults to off, otherwise some users may not even be able to start the app in the first place 12. Refreshing of tables now works correctly in the UI (caused SageTV Recordings refreshing issues) STV Modifications 1. Fixed layout of aspect ratio choices in OSD 2. Disabled text wrapping for items in Detailed Setup. 3. Changing any PVR350 video options in Detailed Setup or enabling/disabling 3D accleration will close the currently playing file first. 4. IR Tuning configuration isn't allowed in the Setup Wizard for network encoders since it isn't supported. SageTV V2.0.17 RC2 4/23/2004 Core Modifications: 1. Fixed at least one cause of the PVR350 OSD completely locking up a system. This also eliminates the need for using never_stop_encoding (that's the cause that was definitely fixed). This may also fix other PVR350 OSD crash/lockup issues because they're all logically connected to the fix. 2. PVR350 OSD for PAL now works 3. Async source filter will skip ID3V2 header info for MP3 files now. Fixes various MP3 playback issues. 4. Updated application & desktop icons. 5. Fixed aspect ratio/zoom controls for all renderers & rendering modes. 6. SageTV will use the Overlay filter for playback of files in the video library if its enabled. 7. Added frame stepping support for the PVR350 tv output. 8. Enabled linear texture filtering for 3D if the hardware supports it, it can be disabled in the registry. 9. Added 656 & I2S pins to the list of names that can be specified in the registry for additional capture setups 10. The amount of time SageTV will plan ahead for scheduling can be set by the property "scheduling_lookahead", the default is 3 days. But it will go beyond any limit set in an attempt to resolve conflicts. 11. Localized clock date formatting 12. Image masking now smooths the edges, noticable in the channel logos. 13. ID3V2 tags for MP3s are no longer ignored if there's no album name specified in it. 14. Fixed caching of images that stored font glyphs 15. Shutdown hook now runs on the AWT EventQueue and no longer hangs on system shutdown. 16. Time zone used inside SageTV can now be specified with "time_zone" property in the properties file. Any name format Java uses for Time Zones will work. 17. Fixed modifying timed records with SageTVClient 18. Fixed scheduling bug where a show that was over before its scheduled end due to padding could interfere with current shows. 19. Fixed pausing of the SageTV app that occured every 5 minutes; it will now only perform this background work if there is no media playing. 20. Fixed bug where confirming a record that conflicted with a Favorite that was currently recording wouldn't switch the recording until the new recording was viewed. 21. IR remote code files are now separated out into directories by IR plugin, anything in the RemoteCodes folder will show up for all IR plugins. (leave alone) 22. Added PictureLibrary & VideoLibrary to SageCommands. 23. Increased delay that playback should be behind live when using network encoders vs. a local encoder. All playback delays are now configurable in the properties file. 24. SageTV will no longer crash due to playback of something corrupted/unsupported from the library or due to a problem with library importing. 25. PVR350 color bars removal registry setting is now always made when the app starts up. STV Modifications: 1. Added Group by Category to SageTV Recordings Menu Options 2. Added warning of file deletion when removing a favorite with IR disabled or when disabling IR. 3. EPG number of rows, cols and column duration are now all configurable in the properties file through "ui/epg/num_*" 4. Clicking on the displayed day in the EPG will reset it to the current time. 5. Using the "TV" command while in the Media Player will do a "Back", like it used to do before RC1. 6. REW2 & FF2 will now show the OSD in the media player. 7. The OSD options menu is now scrollable when necessary. 8. Fixed M/D reversals in date formatting 9. Changed original air date to only show the date and not the time 10. Fixed refreshing problem in SageTV Recordings 11. Fixed layout of video/audio decoders and audio renderer options menus in Detailed Setup. 12. Added Video Renderer option for DVD to Detailed Setup 13. Fixed DScaler option rendering when using the new Elecard decoder 14. Video Background color setting is only shown if "ui/show_video_background_item" property is true. 15. Network encoders do not offer color calibration in the Setup Wizard, it's not supported currently. 16. Fixed icons in Time Based Recordings 17. Added Total Uptime to System Information 18. Using Delete or Don't Like in System Information will cause SageTV to do a memory cleanup (Garbage Collection in Java) 19. System Information shows some values as Calculating... that may take time to determine. As they are the menu is refreshed. 20. Added a Thumbnails button to the Picture Library, this will generate thumbnails for all pictures. You can stop it while its doing it. 21. Improved picture slideshow performance by pre-loading the next slide. 22. Display of subfolder icons in Picture Library was changed to better show the contents of the subdirectories. 23. Using lineups with EPG Data now correctly wait for the lineup to be generated before doing channel setup. SageTV V2.0.16 RC1 4/15/2004 Core Modifications: 1. Major performance & memory optimizations 2. If 3D is not enabled and VMR is selected, it'll now use the overlay instead. 3. Source aspect ratio now works correctly. 4. Video offset properties are now saved/restored correctly for different aspect ratios. 5. Date formatting is now localized. 6. Fixed incorrect clipping of text. 7. If autoconnect on startup is enabled for the SageTVClient and the server is not up, the client will still load and bring up the "Server Connection Lost" menu. 8. Removing items from a Playlist works now. 9. Fixed Scheduler bug where it wouldn't rearrange a multi-tuner conflict if there weren't multiple future airings of the conflict. 10. Added property "ui/focus_follows_mouse" which defaults to true. 11. Changed presentationinterval to one and changed name of reg setting to UsePresentationInterval 12. Added support for capture cards using parameters defined in the registry. They're at Software\Frey Technologies\Common\AdditionalCaptureSetups 13. Changed DirecTV serial code to try the older style command set when the read fails on the command. 14. Only one SageTVClient can be launched at a time unless the -multi command line switch is specified. 15. Offline media files who are no longer in a valid path are now removed. STV Modifications: 1. All fonts are now configurable through property file settings. 2. The default text font was changed to bold due to user requests. 3. Changed behavior of Options command so it'll bring up the choices for displaying a menu instead of toggling through them. 4. Added the ability to change how SageTV Recordings is sorted, grouped and filtered. Use the Options command (Ctrl+O, Esc, Right-click) in SageTV Recordings to check it out. 4. Added the ability to change how Recording Schedule is displayed or filtered. Use the Options command (Ctrl+O, Esc, Right-click) in Recording Schedule to check it out. 5. Added "Refresh Media Library" to the library menu. It'll trigger a rescan of your library import folders for new files & remove non-existent files. 6. "Browse by Category" menu can be renabled with the property setting "enable_mlbdude_browse_by_category" 7. Two-paned SageTV Recordings menu can be enabled with the property setting "use_mlbdude_sage_recordings" 8. Rounded off corners where channel logos are used. 9. Time scroll amount is configurable again through the property "ui/time_scroll_amount" 10. Moved item from Detailed Setup->Ir Hardware into Commands 11. SageTVClient's Detialed Setup has an option to automatically connect to the server on startup now. 12. Left on the Main Menu is only active if the Media Player is loaded. 13. Updated all logos, backgrounds and icons. 14. Added JVM heap statistics to System Information. 15. Fixed overflow/memory usage errors in Slideshows SageTV V2.0.15 Beta 3/26/2004 ALL Outstanding issues/bugs to be resolved for the final 2.0 release (some features listed in 2.0.14 as being in the final release were dropped due to time contraints): 72838 Memory Usage Optimizations 72839 CPU Usage Performance Optimizations Core Modifications: 1. Java localized time formatting is now used 2. Fixed gradient shading 3. Added SageCommands for Delete, Music, Recording Schedule and Sage Recordings. Also fixed Search, Library, Setup and LiveTV commands. 4. Fixed aspect ratio sizing for PVR350 output. Its incapable of zooming the video image so that's not supported at all. 5. Fixed Time Based Recordings so they work 6. Added encoder property "never_stop_encoding", if set to true it'll enable IR for that encoder (if its not globally on) and always record 24/7 without ever stopping that encoder. Helps PVR 350 tv output stability if enabled. 7. Fixed Scheduler bug where it might miss a Favorite recording in very rare circumstances if its on more than one channel. 8. Removal of thumbnail files that are no longer used 9. Fixed "ghost" images from previously rendered UI frames appear underneath the UI in certain modes STV Modifications: 1. Clicking on the SageTV logo goes to the Main Menu 2. Added OptionsMenus for TV, Music and DVD Media Player OSDs. Right-click to get this or use the Options command. 3. Built Music MediaPlayer OSD 4. Built DVD MediaPlayer OSD 5. Added Channel Specific Favorites 6. Added option to disable mouse icons in Detailed Setup->General 7. Added left arrow to header of all menus which will essentially bring you back a menu. 8. Clicking on left arrow or using Left command on Main Menu will go to the MediaPlayer 9. Added "Sleep Mode" to main menu 10. Added "Enter/Exit Full Screen Mode" to the Setup Menu 11. Added ability to specify video directories by name 12. Fixed COM port selection for DirecTV Serial Control 13. When a file is done playing back SageTV goes to the Menu where that file appears. 14. Individual tracks can be added to playlists now, it also retains the 3 most recently used playlists 15. Random music playback can be set on/off in Music Jukebox. This does not work for playlists. 16. DScaler options and such are enabled again for using any version of the Elecard filter. 17. Fixed USB-UIRT support 18. Added confirmation for enabling/disabling all channels in channel setup. 19. Added mouse paging controls to the EPG. 20. Added channel/track/chapter up/down icons to the MediaPlayer OSD 21. Added FF/REW icons to the OSD. Pause/play icon is also clickable. 22. Volume slider in OSD can be adjusted with the mouse by clicking or dragging. 23. Time slider in OSD can be adjusted with the mouse by clicking or dragging 24. Added Zap2it logo to System Information SageTV V2.0.14 Beta 3/19/2004 ALL Outstanding issues/bugs to be resolved for the final 2.0 release: 60509 Support Generic Windows MCE Encoder Hardware 60513 Channel Setup should allow Autotuning for RF sources 60603 Don't show capture devices that aren't supported 62287 Link Favorites to Specific Channels 63184 When a video file is done playing back, go to the menu that lists that video file 63191 Need a way to add inidividual tracks to a playlist 63200 Additional airings should also shows files that were recorded, like v1.4 64014 Use a modified OSD when playing back music files 64468 Can't train codes for USB-UIRT 65579 Random music playback 67635 Watch complete check isn't done when the media player UI is exited 67883 Screen Saver should only wakeup on Power event if its in the Sleep state 72097 Add'l Airings needs Channel information 72246 Ability to specify by name video directories 72250 Use default formatters in java.text.DateFormat to do locale-independent date/time formatting 72253 Extra 1-pixel border not always rendered on edge of UI 72256 Options that are dependent upon Elecard should not use the hardcoded filter name 72257 Scrolling positions for Tables doesn't reset itself when it should 72830 Need a way to add playlists to playlists 72831 OSD should be modified to suit DVD playback better 72832 Add full mouse support by adding icons to perform SageCommands that can't be done otherwise 72835 Channel call sign should never shrink the text, it should truncate it 72836 Sorting in music library should be case insensitive 72838 Memory Usage Optimizations 72839 CPU Usage Performance Optimizations 72841 Add an option to disable double-buffering for the UI when using the 2D renderer 72842 Text gets truncated on the edges sometimes when using 3D rendering STV(UI) Modifications: 1. Completely reworked the entire user interface, there's a LOT of updates, this is just a summary of some of them 2. Unified the fonts & positioning for the entire user interface 3. Implemented Picture Library & Slideshows (memory usage problems may occur, just restart SageTV to fix them, these will be fixed for release) 4. Added options for using Video Background or video window on menus, this is configurable in Detailed Setup->Multimedia 5. Detailed Information shows a lot more and is scrollable 6. RecordingSchedule now has 2 views, use the Options command to toggle them (I added a view like the one that was used in 1.4) 7. Setup Wizard (which will become Source Setup) and Channel Setup have been updated 8. Detailed Setup is completed User Relevant Core Modifications: 1. EPG downloader will now prioritize downloads to channel lineups so the user doesn't get stuck waiting for the channel lineups to download if they're setting up more than one. 2. Various optimizations to image copying to reduce excessive copies when not using 3D rendering. 3. Fixed MediaFile recovery so it recovers files even if their episode name got changed. 4. Automatic generation of thumbnails for picture files. This occurs on demand as they are needed and are stored locally on disk. 5. Library importer will now remove files that are no longer there or not in the path 6. Fixed bug where file deletions hung the program 7. Added overlay color keying support. It can be disabled in Detailed Setup->Advanced. The color can be forced by setting the DWORD registry variable: HKLM\Software\Frey Technologies\Common\DirectShow\TransparentColorKey 8. Added property antialias_text_point_size_min. Sage won't antialias fonts below this point size if text antialiasing is enabled. This increases readability significantly for smaller fonts. V2.0.13 2/23/2004 NOTES: If you're using network encoding; you need to update those versions of SageRecorder to V1.5 Beta. NOTES: Changed behavior when Intelligent Recording is disabled so that it will continually delete the files it records that you didn't request; rather than waiting until it exits. SageTV Core Modifications 1. Added socket timeouts to the MediaServer protocol 2. Added auto reconnect to the streaming client 3. VMR DVD playback of subpictures now works 4. Elecard decoder filter is now found by CLSID instead of by name. 5. When seeking a DVD while paused; it will resume playback when doing the seek. 6. PVR350 OSD should work for PAL now. Change the registry setting to enable it: HKLM\Software\Frey Technoloiges\Commmon\NTSC=0 7. Added device recovery to the DirectX9 rendering system. It'll now survive resolution changes; user switches and anything else. 8. Bug Fix: GetChannelNumber in Airing/Channel didn't always get the correct channel if there were multiple channels 9. Added support for explicit time-based recordings and explicit recurring time-based recordings. 10. Optimized image loading to avoid extra memory copies. 11. Bug Fix: Some accented characters render as blocks when using 3D acceleration. 12. SageTV will prompt you ahead of time before it changes the channel 13. Bug fix: Resetting network encoders wasn't happening properly 14. Channel Setup now uses a live stream (or the closest thing to it) from the chosen capture device for the preview window 15. Previous Channel command now works; it'll go to the last file that was viewed. 16. Bug Fix: SageTV would crash after viewing a DVD with Default DVD configuration 17. Focus follows the mouse cursor in the UI 18. Bug Fix: Leaving a menu with video while paused will not maintain the pause state when going into a new video menu 19. Removed redundant native repaint call when clearing the window region 20. Lineup removals kick the scheduler now 21. DirectX9: clear the rectangle where the video will be painted when using Overlay 22. Added property "remove_padding_on_back_to_back_favorites". It defaults to true; if set to false padding will not be removed when Favorites are back-to-back on the same channel (which'll cause conflicts unless you have multiple tuners). 23. Network Encoding protocol was enhanced to allow for more advanced buffering & encoder control. 24. Bug Fix: Sage was ignoring IR events on some occassions 25. Optimization: Streaming MediaServer now uses high performance I/O calls for writing data to the network from the disk; MUCH faster now. 26. Updated SageRecorder to Version 1.5 27. IMPORTANT: Changed behavior when Intelligent Recording is disabled so that it will continually delete the files it records that you didn't request; rather than waiting until it exits. 28. When starting a ManualRecord for a show that's already recording; Sage will no longer cut the file at the point Record is pressed. 29. Going full screen with Sage on multiple monitors is now correctly supported. 30. Loading of read-only STV files no longer causes a failure. OriginalV2 STV Modifications 1. Added menu for doing time based recordings (including recurring). Support for specific days of recurrence will be added later. 2. Added UI notification for when SageTV is going to change the channel to record something; with the option to cancel it. 3. Channel Setup now views a live stream (or the closest thing to it) from the selected source 4. Channel Setup will only show the video after a channel has been selected 5. Fixed show information in recording schedule view 6. Fixed Sage not correctly responding to infrared signals in the Commands Menus in Detailed Setup 7. Added subcategory to the show info in the EPG V2.0.12 2/6/2004 Public Beta Release SageTV Core Modifications 1. Bug Fix: DirectX9 rendering was blurred 2. Bug Fix: EPG data sources that didn't use a lineup weren't preserved correctly across app restarts & epg updates 3. Bug Fix: Application stops responding to keyboard/remote events 4. Changed max channel to 1 for sources without tuning 5. Added use of fast mux switch for network encoders 6. Bug Fix: Client doesn't auto-reconnect to server upon connection loss 7. Optimized database maintenance routines to avoid all unnecessary object removals 8. Tables don't wrap unless they have more rows/columns than can be displayed on one screen. OriginalV2 STV Modifications 1. Options command (ESC, Ctrl+O, yellow button) now cycles through the different display options for a Menu. In the EPG, this'll enable/disable the video window. In SageRecordings, it'll cycle through 6 different Menu options there. Currently its functional on any Menu with video. 2. Added new SageRecordings menu; courtesy of mlbdude. See #1 for how to access it. 3. Added Browse by Category to Schedule Recordings Menu; courtesy of mlbdude. 4. Fixed Back to Setup button on System Information so you can click it. 5. Fixed formatting of lineup choice prompt for Channel Setup menu. 6. Changed recording schedule to start on the current half hour boundary (it was an hour). 7. Fixed formatting of options menus for Aspect Ratio settings in Detailed Setup 8. Overscan adjustment can be confirmed with the mouse now 9. Added "Show Preview Window" option to Detailed Setup->Multimedia. The options are Always, If Active and Never. 10. Fixed Setup Wizard when using a fixed RF channel for a source. 11. EPG updates are forced whenever channel setup or the setup wizard is exited. 12. Fixed usage of other IR Tuner plugins like the EXETunerPlugin 13. Adjusting the volume brings up the top part of the OSD V2.0.11 1/29/2004 Public Beta Release SageTV Core Modifications 1. Bug Fix: First 500K of a file will playback looping 2. Bug Fix: Some events were being lost due timing issues 3. Bug Fix: 3D acceleration on client is modifying the server's settings 4. Bug Fix: Can't delete the file that's currently playing 5. Bug Fix: Video rectangle is not always sized/positioned correctly 6. Bug Fix: screen saver delay of 0 causes problems 7. Added wrap around tables 8. Added wrap around focus navigation 9. Bug Fix: Windowed video on the 350 OSD wasn't sized correctly and caused PC video to go black 10. If the SageTV window isn't showing and the 350 OSD is enabled, its rendering will still continue and will use less CPU because it won't be rendering to the monitor also. You can also set the "disable_desktop_ui_rendering" property to false in the properties file to force this at all times. NOTE: That setting will cause the UI to be black on the PC monitor at all times, only the 350 OSD will show anything. 11. MediaFiles are no longer removed if their drive is offline 12. Client retrieval of album art from the server now works whether IP or name is used to connect initially. 13. Bug Fix: When server lost client connections, the server tried to restore connection to a server 14. Various performance optimizations for UI rendering 15. Increased client/server timeout from 30 seconds to 2 minutes 16. Bug Fix: sleep mode doesn't kill sound instantly 17. Bug Fix: Closing down a client connection while its initializing can leave the database pointer on the server in an unknown location which can cause DB corruption on the server 18. Extensive performance enhancements to layout caching for text OriginalV2 STV Modifications 1. Added grouping by title to the SageRecording Menu 2. TV command now goes to the MediaPlayer OSD everywhere in the app 3. Guide command now goes to the LiveTVGuide everywhere in the app 4. Changed most fonts to use Bold text to increase visibility on TVs 5. LiveTVGuide wraps around vertically 6. SageRecordings wraps around vertically 7. Selecting a file/airing will bring up its video in the preview window on the first selection, and go full screen on the second. The info command will got the detailed information. 8. Added Record, Watched, Favorite and DontLike commands to the Recording Schedule 9. Music by Artist is now sorted correctly 10. Detailed Setup->Advanced no longer shows Enabled Server option on the client 11. TV Library wraps around vertically 12. Fixed various fonts that weren't the right size/style 13. Added Show ID to the detailed information menu 14. SearchResults now display correctly when there are no results 15. SearchResults list the correct number of results 16. Layout modifications to the TV OSD 17. Added airing time of what's currently being viewed to the TV OSD 18. Added text shadowing to the lower part of the TV OSD 19. Enabled transparency in lower part of OSD when using 350 OSD 20. When a file is done being played the user is sent to the SageRecordings menu